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San Luis Rey Watershed Council Meeting November 7th, 1-3pm

Next week the San Luis Rey Watershed Council will be having their annual meeting, with lots of great food/drinks and three awesome presentations.

Where: Pala Administration Building: 12196 Pala Mission Road, Pala CA 92059

When: Monday, November 7th (1pm – 3pm)


  • Alex Tardy (National Weather Office, San Diego) is giving a presentation on the upcoming winter weather outlook for our area, which should be useful for all environmental staff & any emergency managers. This presentation will help staff plan winter sampling events, know what might be in store for us this winter in terms of possible emergency management issues, and how to get real-time weather updates (both for emergency management and for the general public).

  • Rand Allan (San Diego County Flood Control) is giving a presentation on the County Flood Control’s new website that shows (in real-time) rain and stream levels from all over San Diego County, including our rain/stream gauges around the San Luis Rey Watershed. There will also be a live website demonstration of this great new website, where Rand will show all of the different types of data that are available to environmental staff and the general public.

  • Eric Porter (US Fish & Wildlife Service) is giving a presentation on a new invasive pest that has been found in our watershed and other areas around Southern California – the Shot Hole Borer. This new pest is non-host specific, targeting all kinds of different plants (including willows). Eric will be going over details about what this pest is, what kind of damage it can inflict on our native habitat, and where it has already been found.

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