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Celebrate Earth Day Climate Kids Style!

Happy Earth Day Climate Kids! Check out this fun craft activity you can do with supplies you might have laying around the house.

Today and every day we here at Climate Kids HQ are working hard to help protect the earth. With your help and the help of thousands of Climate Kids across the world - we can make a big difference together.

Remember as scientists, Climate Kids (that's you!) have three very important jobs:

find the problem - discover solutions - tell your story

Though this Earth Day might be a bit different than years past, our work has never been more important. So to get you excited, we put together this fun craft with supplies we definitely think you might have laying around the house.

Let's get crafty:

We hope that you enjoy this fun activity from the Climate Science Alliance and we look forward to seeing your climate commitments! - The Climate Kids Crew


Additional Climate Kids Resources Available Looking for additional climate education resources to supplement your learning or classroom teaching? Check out the engaging videos, colorful posters, and regionally relevant climate data on our Climate Kids website. Help your students better understand climate impacts and what they can do to help.

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 “To safeguard natural and human communities in the face of a changing climate.”

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The Climate Science Alliance is fiscally sponsored by the California Wildlife Foundation (Tax ID: 68-0234744).

© Climate Science Alliance 2019

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