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Join Our

Affiliated Artists Program

Our Affiliated Artists pursue innovative and creative opportunities to engage the public and partners on climate change topics.



The Climate Science Alliance welcomes artists from all backgrounds and mediums to join our diverse team of affiliated artists in pursuing innovative and creative opportunities to engage the public and partners on climate change topics. 

As a Climate Science Alliance Affiliated Artist you will have several opportunities to:

  • Network with other artists and partners to share and help communicate climate change adaptation expertise, tools, and lessons learned

  • Leverage resources and capacity

  • Showcase your artwork on the web, social media, community events, and art shows including  our "Art of Change" traveling art show

  • Access training and professional development opportunities

To become an Affiliated Artist, indicate your interest on the following contact form and a member of our team will connect with you shortly.

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 “To safeguard natural and human communities in the face of a changing climate.”

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The Climate Science Alliance is fiscally sponsored by the California Wildlife Foundation (Tax ID: 68-0234744).

© Climate Science Alliance 2019

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